Wednesday, April 8, 2009

e-comm model qn paper

1. What is framework of Electronic commerce?
2. Name the three major components of I-Way?
3. Define EDI and give the layered architecture for EDI
4. Message handling model in MIME
5. What is mean by Advertising?
6. What are the properties of Mobile Software Agents?
7. What are the challenges faced by a companies in handling data
8. What are the steps involved in document oriented processes
9. What are the types of Compression Technique? Grief brief notes on them
10. Define MBONE & SONET
Part – B (1 * 16=16)
1. Explain Internet as a network infrastructure
Explain components of the I-Way

2. Explain Token-based electronic payment system
Explain working of EDI and financial EDI

3. Write notes on digital copyrights and electronic commerce
Write notes on On-Line Advertising Paradigms

4. Explain the types of digital documents
Explain the elements in building data warehouse

5. Explain about digital video and electronic commerce?
Describe the concept of Broadband background?

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